Sunday, November 28, 2010

Days 25 - 27: Bag, Friends and Why??

Day 25 - What would be found in my bag

Unfortunately blog's pretty boring. Let's see...probably sunglasses, chapstick, lots of pens, wallet and because it was scriptures. :)

Day 26 - What I think about my friends

Well, if that's not a broad question, I don't know what is. I feel like everyone always says "I have the best friends in the world". I wanna put a bit of a different spin on that. I have the best friends for me! I've been consistently amazed with how I always seem to encounter the most amazing people and that along with them come incredible lessons. I've been blessed with awesome, stable friends who have hung in there with me for years. I also have new friends who have blessed my life incredibly in a short period of time. Then I have people who helped mold and shape me, and then life moved us in different directions.

The truth is that I'm so very grateful for all of them. We are the sum of our experiences. That being the case, the people who were a part of those experiences are also a part of us. Good or bad. Long term or new. My friends have changed me. And I'm lucky.

Day 27 - Why I'm doing the 30 day challenge

I've had this blog for years. I think I started it in 2008. And I've completely failed with updating it. I've had HUGE amounts of time pass where it was completely abandoned. I found where my friend Kaycie was doing this challenge. I thought it would be the perfect thing to get me in the swing of regularly posting. I've done better. But clearly still failed at posting everyday...I get points for trying, right?

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