Day 10- Songs I listen to when I'm:
Bored- I don't know that I have a specific type of music that I listen to when I'm bored. I just open itunes and let it shuffle. Which means there's a chance of almost anything coming on. I've got soundtracks (Glee, Wicked, RENT, Chicago...), Country, Hip Hop, Top 40, name it.
Happy- Hmmm...John Mayer, Glee, Ingrid Michaelson...
Sad- Depends, on what I'm sad about really. My favorite things to listen to when I'm sad is EFY music though. You can't beat songs like "I Am His Daughter" and "Let It Begin" to lift you when you're down.
Day 11- Another picture of my friends. I think I'll have to go with pictureS again! :)
The EFY crew at Mormon Night (2010).
Nina and I had literally JUST arrived in Atlanta a matter of minutes before this picture was taken. We were traveling back from our excursion to Massachusetts for EFY at Amherst. We pulled up at Ashley's house, dragged ourselves out of the car, changed, and went to the game! Crazy, huh? But OH SO FUN!! (pictured L to R: Rachel, Nina, Me, Ashley...not pictured, Kaycie. She was there in spirit!)
EFY Buddies dancing it out (Summer 2010).
There are seriously SO many of these pictures floating around out there! They're rarely ever cute...AT ALL...but I still love them major. Such fun memories doing crazy EFY line/orientation dances. Most recognizable in this one is me, Ashley and Dennis. :)
Me and Joseph (Halloween 2009).
Joseph Pate is one of my oldest and dearest friends. He's been around for nearly as long as I can remember. He's super fun, honest, trustworthy and a great person to talk to. Countless times I've gone to Joseph for some insight on the men-folk. He's a good boy. And I'm lucky to have him as a friend.
Nat, Tristan and I (New Years Eve 2007).
Day 12- How I found out about blogger...
I found out about blogger because many of my friends (mostly the married ones, as mentioned in one of the earlier blogs) had one. I decided to try it for myself. As you can see...I've not been very successful. I'm trying though! That counts for something, right? :)
Whew. Ok, we're caught up now. That was intense. Hope someone enjoyed all that...
1 comment:
cute braves pic!
not cute dance pic. haha
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