I know there have been people who have been doing entries everyday for one thing they're grateful for. I saved it all for today (mostly because I had already started the 30 day blog challenge). But it's Thanksgiving today and it's entirely appropriate that I mention the things that I'm thankful for. My list (in no particular order, well...other than the first few :) )...
1. My Savior.
What can you say about the person who loves you more than anyone else? There aren't words for how grateful I am to Him. He provided the way for me to be forgiven of my sins and live with Him, Heavenly Father and my family for eternity. If that weren't enough, the way that he did it was by paying for the sins that I commit. He felt the pains, sadness, hurt, anxiety, fear...all of it. For each of us. He's real. What He did is real. It happened. And because of Him, I can be better.
2. The Gospel.
I know, I know. #1 and #2 go together, but I felt that they were deserving of individual numbers. I'm grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has made me who I am. Being a member of His church factors in to every choice I make. Having the teachings of true and living prophets helps guide me daily. Knowing there are inspired priesthood leaders who can provide direct assistance to me is incredible. Having access to another record which testifies of Jesus Christ, his ministry and divinity is an incredible blessing. I'm grateful that my parents were people who recognized truth when they heard it.
3. My Family.
Though we're all far from perfect, we're a lot of fun.
I'm grateful to know that if I ever needed them, I know they'd be there. I can count on them. They are stable forces. One of the few things that is unchanging in this life. I can't think of any other people I'd rather be with forever. :)
P.S. Look at their tender, young faces!
4. Friends.
I've been extremely blessed over the years with good, reliable friends. That's not to say that I've always been the best at picking good friends. But it's through the struggle that you learn to appreciate what you have. I did go through a really rough patch where I learned a lot about myself and my friends...and what is important in a friendship. Through that I have found the people who are truly good friends. I've learned what a good friend is...and how to be one to others.
I'm grateful to Heavenly Father for sending me good people. People who are good examples to me. People who are honest and kind. It's so very appreciated.
(Sorry for no pictures here...see other blogs of friends. It's wayyyyyy too many pictures to post!)
5. Living in the USA.
I am increasingly grateful to live in the United States of America. I think as a younger person, it was very much taken for granted. But everyday I'm reminded of blessings I enjoy simply by living here. I can go to church without worrying that someone will injure me. I can hold a job, live by myself and own property. I can vote for individuals who want to hold public office. I go to bed at night and sleep without fear for my safety. This land is a special place. And I am immensely grateful to live here.
6. EFY.
EFY changed my life as a participant when I was a youth. Now as an adult I've had the blessing of going back and working as a counselor. It's changed my life again. I get to spend a few weeks each summer working with amazing youth and incredible co-workers.
(My first group EVER! EFY 2009)
I've worked 2 summers and 6 sessions. Total 4 sessions in GA, 1 in FL and 1 in MA. With limited distractions, we focus on the gospel...and miracles happen.
(My most recent group. EFY 2010 Amherst, MA)
I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to work with this program. It's a lot of work. A lot of sleepless nights. Lots of prayers and (sometimes) tears. But I'm so lucky. Many thanks to the counselors and youth when I was a kid, the youth I've had the blessing of working with the past 2 summers (you are all amazing!) and the other counselors who have become incredible friends and examples to me.
(A few of those incredible friends I've made)
7. Health.
While working at AFLAC from 2008-2010 I was reminded how blessed I am to be healthy. As wonderful a gift as our mortal bodies are...because they're moral, they're not perfect. They get sick or injured. I've been so lucky to avoid major illness or injury. For that I am very grateful as I know many people who have many physical struggles.
8. Servicemen and women.
Growing up near Ft. Benning, GA I've had the opportunity to meet and become friends with many of the wonderful people serving our nation in the Armed Forces. The sacrifices these people make, all the way up to giving their lives are amazing. I currently have 2 friends serving in Afghanistan and 1 who just recently completed a tour of duty. I'm grateful to know that men like them exist and are protecting the freedoms I enjoy. I'm particularly mindful of them today as they aren't able to be with their loved ones. MANY thanks to Jordan Cross, Jesse Holmes and Domonique Anderson. I'm grateful for you, your service and glad to call you my friends.
8. Being from the South.
Growing up in GA is something I'm very proud of. I know the south sometimes gets a bad rep for. But I tell you what, some of the best people I know are from there! And there are a lot of great things that can be said for that area. I love that people are still respectful. "Ma'am" and "Sir" are still frequently used words. Your friend's parents are Mr. Steve and Ms. Jennifer. It's beautiful (see the picture below). People will say hello to you when you're walking down the street. But mostly, I'm grateful to have lived in a place that required me to decide at a young age if I was a believer or not. It's the best place.
(The Riverwalk in Columbus, GA)
9. My former Primary class.
Man, I love these kids. They have the sweetest spirits and would blow me away with the things they would say and the concepts they would understand. They taught me so much and I miss them!
11. My Missionary Brothers (and Friends!)
I still think it's such an amazing thing that we send 19 year old boys and 21 year old young women out to teach the gospel. I also think it's amazing that those young people so willingly leave their families and lives behind and devote 1.5 - 2 years of their lives to the Lord and doing his work. I'm super proud of my brother, Matt who is currently serving in the Idaho, Boise mission.
(Elder James Matthew Harrell!)
I'm also proud to be able to say that my only other brother eligible (so far!) to have served also went!
(Elder Jonathan Harrell. California, San Bernardino Mission 2006-2008)And to have had amazing friends who also devoted time to serving the Lord.
(Elder Joseph Pate)
(Sister Corley Griffin.)
(Elder Elijah Hall)
And there are many, many others.
I've been blessed more than I can say.